
Bearded Vulture

author:Jiajinshan cultural     Time:2021-04-08    Click:507
Animal diversity-Bearded Vulture

Bearded Vulture (scientific name: Gypaetus Barbatus) also known as Hu vulture, male bird body length 95-125 cm, female bird body length 100-130 cm, wingspan about 235-280 cm, their weight about 5-7 kg. The color of plumage is generally dark brown. It got its name from a black beard hanging from its mouth. The head is grayish white with black through-and-through eye markings extending forward to the Barbel of the Chin. The back head, neck, chest and upper abdomen are Reddish Brown, the back head and forechest. With black spots on it. Females are generally slightly larger than males. HABITAT IN 500 ~ 4000 meters above sea level in the mountainous bare rock area. Like to live in open areas, such as grasslands, Tundra, highlands and heath, but also like to settle in the sea and inland rock or cliff.
